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Röntgen Award 2018 for Dr. Lars von der Wense


Röntgen Award 2018 for Dr. Lars von der Wense


On November 30, 2018, Dr. Lars von der Wense received the prestigious Röntgen Preis of the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen for his groundbreaking work on the first direct detection of the nuclear clock transition in the thorium isomer 229mTh.

The award is endowed by a price money of 15 000 EUR and is jointly donated by the company Pfeiffer Vacuum, the Dr. Erich Pfeiffer foundation and the Ludwig-Schunk foundation and named after Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who worked as a Professor in Giessen.

You can find here more information on the award and the research background that led to the distinction.

