Prof. Parodi contributes as Associated Partner to ERC Advanced Grant "Biomedical Applications of Radioactive Ion Beams (BARB)” awarded to Prof. M. Durante (GSI Darmstadt)
In the project “Biomedical Applications of Radioactive Ion Beams (BARB)”, funded by an ERC Advanced Grant, researchers based at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt (PI Professor Marco Durante) plan to assess the effectiveness of radioactive ion beams for simultaneous treatment and beam visualization of solid tumors. Professor Katia Parodi will contribute to the project as Associated Partner, leading the development of a novel combined detector which utilizes prompt and delayed photon emissions produced during treatment to visualize the beam delivery for unprecedented targeting accuracy.
More information can be found here: GSI press release - LMU press release