Dr. Lars von der Wense receives Theodor-Hänsch-Promotionspreis 2019
Photo: Eugen Gebhardt
Dr. Lars von der Wense is the first recipient of the Theodor-Hänsch Promotionspreis of the Faculty of Physics. He received the award for his outstanding dissertation (performed at the Chair of Medical Physics), where he achieved to directly identify the decay of the thorium isomer 229mTh after an intensive worldwide search over 40 years, thus laying the foundation for the realization of a nuclear clock.
The "Theodor-Hänsch Promotionspreis" is donated to the LMU Faculty of Physics by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation and is endowed with 4000.- EUR. It was awarded to Dr. von der Wense by the Dean of the LMU Faculty of Physics, Prof. Ralf Bender, on the occasion of the graduation celebration of the Faculty of Physics on November 9, 2019. The laudatio was held by Dr. von der Wense's thesis supervisor, PD Peter Thirolf.