Jannis Dickmann receives Christopher J. Thompson Student Award at the Virtual 2020 IEEE-NSS-MIC Conference
For his poster presentation "Joint Dose Minimization and Variance Optimization for Fluence-Modulated Proton CT" at the Virtual 2020 IEEE NSS MIC Conference Jannis Dickmann received the Christopher J. Thompson Student Award 2020 for the Best Poster Presentation.
The poster is based on research performed in a collaborative effort between researchers from LMU Munich (G. Dedes, G. Landry, K. Parodi, F. Kamp) from the Departments of Medical Physics at the Faculty of Physics and of Radiation Oncology at the University Hospital, and R. Schulte from the Division of Biomedical Engineering Sciences, Loma Linda University, USA. Jannis presented his latest results on Fluence-Modulated Proton CT using a new optimization scheme, achieving significant imaging dose reduction in healthy portions of the patient anatomy, while retaining high image quality in the regions where this is required for proton therapy treatment planning. His work, supported by the DFG grant #388731804, aims at developing the methodology for spatially varying imaging dose and image quality proton computed tomography, to be used in image guided proton therapy.