Dr. Benedict Seiferle receives LMU Dissertation Award 2020
We congratulate Dr. Benedict Seiferle (3rd row left on the above ZOOM screenshot) for being awarded a "Förderpreis der LMU-Universitätsgesellschaft 2020" for his dissertation "Characterization of the 229Th nuclear clock transition". Instead of traditionally receiving the prize on the occasion of the "Stiftungsfest" of the LMU Munich, which had to be cancelled due to the present pandemic situation, the prize was awarded in an online ceremony on July 13 by the chairperson of the Universitätsgesellschaft, Prof. Höppe, following greeting remarks by the LMU Vice President for Study Affairs, Prof. Jahraus.
More information about the ceremony, the prize and its sponsoring institution, the "Universitätsgesellschaft", can be found here