Recent publication on the Proton CT system of the SIRMIO project featured by "Physics World"
'Physics World' features in its May 26, 2020 issue the recent publication in Physics in Medicine and Biology "Optimization and performance study of a proton CT system for pre-clinical small animal imaging" by Sebastian Meyer, Jonathan Bortfeldt, Paulina Lämmer, Franz Englbrecht, Marco Pinto, Katrin Schnürle, Matthias Wuerl and Katia Parodi from the Chair of Medical Physics at LMU Munich.
This paper reports on a Monte Carlo (MC) study of the proposed pCT system for the SIRMIO project (Small animal proton irradiator for research in molecular image-guided radiation-oncology), to assess its feasibility and optimize the design of the detector components.
More information can be found in the coverage in 'Physics World' and the original publication in Physics in Medicine and Biology: S. Meyer et al, doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ab8afc