Dr. Katrin Schnürle receives Christoph-Schmelzer Prize
Dr Katrin Beatrix Schnürle from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich received the Christoph Schmelzer Prize in recognition of her dissertation. The prize is awarded annually by the Association for the Promotion of Tumor Therapy with Heavy Ions in recognition of outstanding master's and doctoral theses in the field of tumor therapy with ion beams. Three young researchers received this year's award at a ceremony on the GSI/FAIR campus in Darmstadt.
Dr. Katrin Beatrix Schnürle was awarded the prize for her dissertation entitled “Integration Mode Proton Imaging with a CMOS Detector for a Small Animal Irradiation Platform”; she optimized detector systems for imaging with proton beams and developed corresponding analysis methods. Her developments allow the preclinical application of proton radiography with high measurement accuracy of water-equivalent layer thicknesses and high spatial resolution.
copyright: G. Otto (GSI)
The full information on the award ceremony and a photograph can be found here.
The PhD thesis can be found here: https://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/33903/1/Schnuerle_Katrin.pdf
copyright: G. Otto (GSI)