22. Christoph Schmelzer Award for Dr. Giorgia Meschini
Dr. Giorgia Meschini received the 22. Christoph-Schmelzer-Preis for her doctoral thesis entitled "Respiratory motion modeling in particle therapy“. The dissertation has been defended in December 2019 at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Guido Baroni.
Dr. Meschini spent a 6 months internship at the Chair of Medical Physics at LMU Munich under the framework of the Erasmus+ Program. She developed a methodology to analyze the impact of the increased biological effectiveness of C ions on the dose distribution in the case of irregular breathing patterns. The study is a joint research effort of members of our Chair, local and international collaborators, coordinated by Prof. Marco Riboldi.
The award is announced on the GSI website (https://www.gsi.de/start/aktuelles.htm) with an appreciation and a brief description of the work. The preis is sponsored by the "Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie e.V." and is endowed with 1500.- EUR.