Nuclear Clock: publication on first direct energy measurement on cover page of Nature
The most recent breakthrough result (featuring the key results of Benedict Seiferle's PhD thesis) achieved in the framework of the "Thorium Isomer" project on the way towards the realization of a Nuclear Clock appeared in the September 12th issue 573 (2019) of Nature. The article is featured on the cover page, showing an artist's view of a Nuclear Clock.
The full article can be found here: Energy of the 229Th nuclear clock transition,
Benedict Seiferle, Lars von der Wense, Pavlo V. Bilous, Ines Amersdorffer, Christoph Lemell, Florian Libisch, Simon Stellmer, Thorsten Schumm, Christoph E. Düllmann, Adriana Palffy & Peter G. Thirolf, Nature 573, 243-246 (2019)