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Work on Thorium Isomer: awarded position in TOP 10 list of "Breakthroughs of the Year" by Physics World


The editors of 'Physics World' (Member magazine of the Britisch Institute of Physics - IOP - , one of the world's largest physical societies),  awarded the work on Thorium-229, published earlier this year in Nature, to be in the Top Ten Breakthroughs of the Year 2016.

The award citation reads:

"To Lars von der Wense, Peter Thirolf and colleagues at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich,
GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Helmholtz Institute Mainz and the Johannes Gutenberg
University Mainz for detecting the elusive thorium-229 nuclear-clock transition."

The top 10 breakthroughs were chosen by a panel of four Physics World editors and reporters, and the criteria for judging included:

- fundamental importance of research;
- significant advance in knowledge;
- strong connection between theory and experiment; and
- general interest to all physicists.

More information on the list of the TOP 10 Breakthroughs of the Year can be found here.