Experimental Medical Physics

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Update 30.11.2021

Given the current pandemic situation, starting latest in the first week of December 2021, the Faculty of Physics is converting teaching back to online only. Please check the information given on each specific lecture or seminar website to check the information for online access.

In the current winter term 2021/22 the following seminars are offered:

Seminars approved for the Medical Physics Curriculum

  • ALPA - Applications of Laser-Particle Acceleration (geeignet für Bachelor und Master), Dozent: Prof. Dr. Jörg Schreiber, Hauptseminar, Ort: HU123, Zeit: 2-stündig, Mo 14:00-16:00 c.t., Beginn: 18.10.21, Ende: 07.02.22, Unterrichtssprache Englisch auf Wunsch
    Registration via LSF

Other seminars

  • Einführung in die Medizinische Physik, Dozenten: Parodi, Bortfeldt, Sroka, Dietrich, Bachelorseminar, Ort: H537, Zeit: 2-stündig, Di 17:00-19:00 s.t., Beginn: 19.10.21, Ende: 08.02.22
    Registration via LSF,