DGMP's Young Investigator Award for Dr. Sebastian Meyer
The Young Investigator Award 2019 of the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP), sponsored by Siemens Healthineers, was awarded to Dr. Sebastian Meyer for his presentation "Optimierung und Performance Evaluierung eines Protonen-Computertomographie-Systems für präklinische Bildgebung", related to his PhD research work performed in the framework of the ERC project SIRMIO.
Dr. Sebastian Meyer receives the award from the DGMP President Prof. Mark Ladd. © Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
The competition took place in the Young Investigator Forum of the 50th DGMP Annual Meeting, held from September 18-21 in Stuttgart. Also our PhD student Katrin Schnürle was chosen amongst the 6 finalists to present her contribution "GATE/Geant4 Simulationsmodell und dessen Validierung eines 226 MeV klinischen Prototypen zur Protonentherapie" related to her previous MSc Thesis work, performed at the Center Antoine Lacassagne in Nice, France.
Katrin Schnürle and Sebastian Meyer after the Young Investigator Forum
Overall, the conference included many presentations of a large delegation of students and researchers from
the LMU Chair of Medical Physics, headed by Prof. Katia Parodi, some of them seen on the photograph below.
Selection of delegates of the LMU Medical Physics Chair at DGMP. From left to right: Sonja Kundel, Dr. Sebastian Meyer, Franz Englbrecht, Prof. Katia Parodi, Thomas Rösch, Dr. Matthias Würl, Katharina Niepel, Yannis Dickmann, Katrin Schnürle.