Small animal proton irradiator for research in molecular image-guided radiation-oncology (SIRMIO), PI: K. Parodi
The SIRMIO project aims at developing a demonstrator of a portable platform for precision small animal proton irradiation, intended for installation at horizontal beamlines of clinical treatment facilities. This project receives funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 725539). We are using and developing innovative technology for combining precise dose application with novel anatomical image guidance, based on proton computed tomography and ultrasound imaging, and in-vivo verification of the actual treatment delivery, using ionoacoustics and positron emission tomography.
Figure from Parodi et al., Towards a novel small animal proton irradiation platform: the SIRMIO project, Acta Oncologica (2019), 58, 1470-1475
The project is structured into six different workpackages.
A Graduate Assistant/HIWI position is presently (October 2020) available addressing the System Integration of the project: Information can be found here
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