21. Christoph Schmelzer Award for Dr. Sebastian Meyer
Dr. Sebastian Meyer received the 21. Christoph-Schmelzer-Preis for his doctoral thesis "On the Clinical Potential of Ion Computed Tomography with Different Detector Systems and Ion Species“, which he performed at the Chair of Medical Physics at LMU Munich contributing to two DFG projects on ion-based clinical imaging (one concluded and one still running) and to the ERC project SIRMIO on pre-clinical proton-transmission imaging.
The award was received at GSI/FAIR on November 21. It is sponsored by the "Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie e.V." and is endowed with 1500.- EUR.
More on the award ceremony and the background of the award can be found here.
Dr. Sebastian Meyer receives the award from Dr. Hartmut Eickhoff, Chairman of the Association (Foto G. Otto/GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
Dr. Sebastian Meyer (center) with on his right the PhD supervisor Prof. Katia Parodi, the keynote speaker Prof. Jürgen Debus and the founder and previous head of the GSI Biophysics Department Prof. Gerhard Kraft. On his left, from left to right, is Dr. Hartmut Eickhoff, the additional awardee Dr. Sonja Schellhammer and PD Dr. Jörg Pawelke as representative from TU Dresden and Oncoray (Foto G. Otto/GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH).