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Postdoctoral position for experiments with stored and cooled 229-thorium ions in a cryogenic Paul trap for the Nuclear Clock ERC Synergy Grant project


To strengthen our team at the Chair of Medical Physics of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) we are offering

1 Postdoctoral position (TVL-E13 100%, 2 years, with possibility for extension) for "Operation of a cryogenic Paul trap and experiments with laser-cooled 229mTh3+ ions"

within the ERC Synergy Grant project “ThoriumNuclearClock” (PI Prof. Peter Thirolf). This project will be pursued in close collaboration with groups from TU Vienna (Austria, PI: Prof. Thorsten Schumm), Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Prof. Ekkehard Peik) and Univ. of Delaware (USA, PI: Prof. Marianna Safronova).

For more information, download the PDF attached below.

If you are interested in the position, please send your application (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, university degree including grades, publication list, 2 letters of recommendation) until the 31th of August 2023 via email to Peter.Thirolf@lmu.de, indicating also your earliest possible entry date (the position is immediately available).
