Master Thesis
Here you can find current offers for thesis projects or student worker positions at our Chair and at collaborating institutions.
Moreover, you can always send inquiries for additional thesis projects in our core research areas described below (please follow the link for more detailed information and contact persons).
Range Verification in PT
Detector Development
- Master thesis in levitating target development
- Master thesis in light-based plasma diagnostics
- Master thesis in permanent magnet quadrupole beam transport
Nuclear Physics
Additional Master Theses at collaborating institutions
- LMU Klinikum (Department of Nuclear Medicine)
- Brainlab AG
- Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH)
- Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hospital of the LMU Preclinical imaging group
- Image Reconstruction / Quantitation in Small Animal PET at the University of Lübeck
- MASTER THESIS PROJECT in the Prof. COAN’s LMU GROUP ‘Brilliant X-Rays for Medical Diagnostics’ (Project Title: “Study micro-morphological changes caused by a SARS-CoV-2 infection in the lung, brain and kidney tissues of COVID-19 patients by X-ray phase-contrast micro-CT”)
- MASTER THESIS PROJECT in the Prof. COAN’s LMU GROUP ‘Brilliant X-Rays for Medical Diagnostics’ (Project Title: “X-ray 3D imaging-based evaluation of therapeutic strategies to slow down glaucoma-related neurodegeneration in animal models”)
- MASTER THESIS PROJECT in the Prof. COAN’s LMU GROUP ‘Brilliant X-Rays for Medical Diagnostics’ within the Research Training Group / Graduiertenkolleg GRK 2274 “Advanced Medical Physics for Image-Guided Cancer Therapy” (Project Title: “Characterization of the effects of novel radiotherapies for glioblastoma on an
animal model by multi-scale X-ray Phase Contrast micro-CT”) - Project offer at SurgicEye GmbH
- Silicon PIN Diodes as Detectors for secondary neutrons at proton therapy facilities at Helmholtz Center.
- Projects at the Universität der Bundeswehr München on
- Advancement of Proton Microchannel Radiotherapy at the ion microprobe SNAKE
- Understanding the enhanced radio-biological effectiveness (RBE) of high energy heavy ions
- Super-resolution microscopy of DNA double-strand breaks in human cancer cells
- Projects at RaySearch Laboratories