Accessible Facilities
1. Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory (MLL):
The MLL is a joint institution of the LMU and TUM Munich located on the Garching research campus. Its main experimental infrastructure is a 15 MV Tandem van-de-Graaff accelerator, able to provide particle beams in a wide mass range between pro-ton and gold in continuous as well as pulsed mode. High-quality experimental equipment is available for basic as well as applied research in a variety of different research areas. Local research and development work covers activities in the framework of the two DFG Clusters of Excellence “MAP (Munich-Centre for Ad-vance Photonics” and “Universe” as well as cooperative work with various external large scale research infrastructures (CERN, GSI/FAIR) and the local neutron source FRM II.
Our department of Medical Physics is using beams from the Tandem accelerator for detector tests and development as well as the laboratory infrastructure for offline research projects.
More information on the MLL can be found here.
2. Center for Advanced Laser Applications (CALA):
CALA is located at the northern border of the Garching research campus in direct neighbourhood of the Department of Medical Physics. Physicists, physicians and biologists are exploring the practical potential of a unique array of state-of-the-art laser technologies. As one of its main pillars, CALA provides a world-class research infrastructure for high-power, short-pulse laser-matter interaction, able to generate secondary sources of electrons, X-rays, protons and heavy ions, primarily focused on biomedical applications like high-intensity X-rays for diagnostic biomedical imag-ing, or pre-clinical research for tumor therapy based on laser-generated proton and carbon-ion beams. Unique properties of laser driven particle beams will be explored in their applicability to a variety of different fields of research.
Teams from the Department of Medical Physics are responsible for the operation of 2 out of the 5 laser beamlines at CALA.
More information on CALA can be found here.
3. Mechanical and Electronics Workshops in-house
In the mechanical workshop a large variety of components for vacuum chambers, experimental setups or detectors is produced with high precision and quality. Readout, or slow control electronics, power supplies and amplifiers are developed, produced and repaired in the in-house electronics workshop. It also features a workshop for photolithographic production of printed circuit boards and detector readout structures.