Medical Physics
Peer-reviewed journals:
- Binder, T., Kang, H.G., Nitta, M., Schneider, F., Yamaya, T., Parodi, K., Wiest, F. and Thirolf, P.G. (2021). Performance evaluation of a staggered three-layer DOI PET detector using a 1 mm LYSO pitch with PETsys TOFPET2 ASIC: comparison of HAMAMATSU and KETEK SiPMs. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(12), 125016. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/abfbf3
- Boscolo, D., Kostyleva, D., Safari, M.J., Anagnostatou, V., Äystö, J., Bagchi, S., Binder, T., Dedes, G., Dendooven, P., Dickel, T., Drozd, V., Franczack, B., Geissel, H., Gianoli, C., Graeff, C., Grahn, T., Greiner, F., Haettner, E., Haghani, R., Harakeh, M.N., Horst, F., Hornung, C., Hucka, J.-P., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kazantseva, E., Kindler, B., Knöbel, R., Kuzminchuk-Feuerstein, N., Lommel, B., Mukha, I., Nociforo, C., Ishikawa, S., Lovatti, G., Nitta, M., Ozoemelam, I., Pietri, S., Plaß, W.R., Prochazka, A., Purushothaman, S., Reidel, C.-A., Roesch, H., Schirru, F., Schuy, C., Sokol, O., Steinsberger, T., Tanaka, Y.K., Tanihata, I., Thirolf, P., Tinganelli, W., Voss, B., Weber, U., Weick, H., Winfield, J.S., Winkler, M., Zhao, J., Scheidenberger, C., Parodi, K., Durante, M. and the Super-FRS Experiment Collaboration (2021). Radioactive Beams for Image-Guided Particle Therapy: The BARB Experiment at GSI. Frontiers in Oncology, 11, 737050. https//doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2021.737050
- Czerska, K., Emert, F., Kopec, R., Langen, K., McClelland, J.R., Meijers, A., Miyamoto, N., Riboldi, M., Shimizu, S., Terunuma, T., Zou, W., Knopf, A. and Rucinski, A. (2021). Clinical practice vs. state-of-the-art research and future visions: Report on the 4D treatment planning workshop for particle therapy textendash Edition 2018 and 2019. Physica Medica, 82, 54-63. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.12.013
- Dickmann, J., Kamp, F., Hillbrand, M., Corradini, S., Belka, C., Schulte, R.W., Parodi, K., Dedes, G. and Landry, G. (2021). Fluence-modulated proton CT optimized with patient-specific dose and variance objectives for proton dose calculation. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(6), 064001. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/abe3d2
- Dickmann, J., Sarosiek, C., Götz, S., Pankuch, M., Coutrakon, G., Johnson, R.P., Schulte, R.W., Parodi, K., Landry, G. and Dedes, G. (2021). An empirical artifact correction for proton computed tomography. Physica Medica, 86, 57-65. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmp.2021.05.018
- Dickmann, J., Sarosiek, C., Rykalin, V., Pankuch, M., Coutrakon, G., Johnson, R.P., Bashkirov, V., Schulte, R.W., Parodi, K., Landry, G. and Dedes, G. (2021). Proof of concept image artifact reduction by energy-modulated proton computed tomography (EMpCT). Physica Medica, 81, 237-244. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.12.012
- Duque, A.S., Van Wagenberg, T., Seidensticker, M., Streitparth, F., Walter, F., Parodi, K., Verhaegen, F., Ricke, J., Belka, C., Paiva Fonseca, G., Corradini, S. and Landry, G. (2021). Validation of the collapsed cone algorithm for HDR liver brachytherapy against Monte Carlo simulations. Brachytherapy, 20(4), 936-947. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.brachy.2021.03.018
- Englbrecht, F.S., Trinkl, S., Mares, V., Rühm, W., Wielunski, M., Wilkens, J.J., Hillbrand, M. and Parodi, K. (2021). A comprehensive Monte Carlo study of out-of-field secondary neutron spectra in a scanned-beam proton therapy gantry room. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 31(2), 215-228. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.zemedi.2021.01.001
- Gerlach, S., Pinto, M., Kurichiyanil, N., Grau, C., Hérault, J., Hillbrand, M., Poulsen, P.R., Safai, S., Schippers, J.M., Schwarz, M., Søndergaard, C.S., Tommasino, F., Verroi, E., Vidal, M., Yohannes, I., Schreiber, J. and Parodi, K. (2021). Corrigendum: Beam characterization and feasibility study for a small animal irradiation platform at clinical proton therapy facilities (2020 Phys. Med. Biol. 65 245045). Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(7), 079501. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/abf00e
- Hofmaier, J., Dedes, G., Carlson, D.J., Parodi, K., Belka, C. and Kamp, F. (2021). Variance-based sensitivity analysis for uncertainties in proton therapy: A framework to assess the effect of simultaneous uncertainties in range, positioning, and RBE model predictions on RBE-weighted dose distributions. Medical Physics, 48(2), 805-818. https//doi.org/10.1002/mp.14596
- Hofmaier, J., Walter, F., Hadi, I., Rottler, M., Von Bestenbostel, R., Dedes, G., Parodi, K., Niyazi, M., Belka, C. and Kamp, F. (2021). Combining inter-observer variability, range and setup uncertainty in a variance-based sensitivity analysis for proton therapy. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 20, 117-120. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.phro.2021.11.005
- Huck, S.M., Fung, G.S., Parodi, K. and Stierstorfer, K. (2021). On the potential of ROI imaging in x-ray CT textendash A comparison of novel dynamic beam attenuators with current technology. Medical Physics, 48(7), 3479-3499. https//doi.org/10.1002/mp.14879
- Kawula, M., Binder, T.M., Liprandi, S., Viegas, R., Parodi, K. and Thirolf, P.G. (2021). Sub-millimeter precise photon interaction position determination in large monolithic scintillators via convolutional neural network algorithms. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(13), 135017. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/ac06e2
- Lascaud, J., Dash, P., Wieser, H.-P., Kalunga, R., Würl, M., Assmann, W. and Parodi, K. (2021). Investigating the accuracy of co-registered ionoacoustic and ultrasound images in pulsed proton beams. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(18), 185007. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/ac215e
- Lascaud, J., Dash, P., Würl, M., Wieser, H.-P., Wollant, B., Kalunga, R., Assmann, W., Clevert, D.-A., Ferrari, A., Sala, P., Savoia, A.S. and Parodi, K. (2021). Enhancement of the ionoacoustic effect through ultrasound and photoacoustic contrast agents. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 2725. https//doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81964-4
- Lombardo, E., Kurz, C., Marschner, S., Avanzo, M., Gagliardi, V., Fanetti, G., Franchin, G., Stancanello, J., Corradini, S., Niyazi, M., Belka, C., Parodi, K., Riboldi, M. and Landry, G. (2021). Distant metastasis time to event analysis with CNNs in independent head and neck cancer cohorts. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 6418. https//doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-85671-y
- Marschner, S., Lombardo, E., Minibek, L., Holzgreve, A., Kaiser, L., Albert, N., Kurz, C., Riboldi, M., Späth, R., Baumeister, P., Niyazi, M., Belka, C., Corradini, S., Landry, G. and Walter, F. (2021). Risk Stratification Using 18F-FDG PET/CT and Artificial Neural Networks in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy. Diagnostics, 11(9), 1581. https//doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics11091581
- Meschini, G., Paganelli, C., Vai, A., Fontana, G., Molinelli, S., Pella, A., Vitolo, V., Barcellini, A., Orlandi, E., Ciocca, M., Riboldi, M. and Baroni, G. (2021). An MRI framework for respiratory motion modelling validation. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 65(3), 337-344. https//doi.org/10.1111/1754-9485.13175
- Meyer, S., Pinto, M., Parodi, K. and Gianoli, C. (2021). The impact of path estimates in iterative ion CT reconstructions for clinical-like cases. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(9), 095007. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/abf1ff
- Neppl, S., Kurz, C., Köpl, D., Yohannes, I., Schneider, M., Bondesson, D., Rabe, M., Belka, C., Dietrich, O., Landry, G., Parodi, K. and Kamp, F. (2021). Measurement-based range evaluation for quality assurance of CBCT-based dose calculations in adaptive proton therapy. Medical Physics, 48(8), 4148-4159. https//doi.org/10.1002/mp.14995
- Paganetti, H., Beltran, C., Both, S., Dong, L., Flanz, J., Furutani, K., Grassberger, C., Grosshans, D.R., Knopf, A.-C., Langendijk, J.A., Nystrom, H., Parodi, K., Raaymakers, B.W., Richter, C., Sawakuchi, G.O., Schippers, M., Shaitelman, S.F., Teo, B.K.K., Unkelbach, J., Wohlfahrt, P. and Lomax, T. (2021). Roadmap: proton therapy physics and biology. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(5), 05RM01. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/abcd16
- Palaniappan, P., Meyer, S., Kamp, F., Belka, C., Riboldi, M., Parodi, K. and Gianoli, C. (2021). Deformable image registration of the treatment planning CT with proton radiographies in perspective of adaptive proton therapy. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(4), 045008. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/ab8fc3
- Rabe, M., Paganelli, C., Riboldi, M., Bondesson, D., Jörg Schneider, M., Chmielewski, T., Baroni, G., Dinkel, J., Reiner, M., Landry, G., Parodi, K., Belka, C., Kamp, F. and Kurz, C. (2021). Porcine lung phantom-based validation of estimated 4D-MRI using orthogonal cine imaging for low-field MR-Linacs. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(5), 055006. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/abc937
- Rädler, M., Gianoli, C., Palaniappan, P., Parodi, K. and Riboldi, M. (2021). Electromagnetic Signal of a Proton Beam in Biological Tissues for a Potential Range-Verification Approach in Proton Therapy. Physical Review Applied, 15(2), 024066. https//doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.024066
- Schmitz, H., Rabe, M., Janssens, G., Bondesson, D., Rit, S., Parodi, K., Belka, C., Dinkel, J., Kurz, C., Kamp, F. and Landry, G. (2021). Validation of proton dose calculation on scatter corrected 4D cone beam computed tomography using a porcine lung phantom. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(17), 175022. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/ac16e9
- Tattenberg, S., Hyde, D., Milette, M.-P., Parodi, K., Araujo, C. and Carlone, M. (2021). Assessment of the Sun Nuclear ArcCHECK to detect errors in 6MV FFF VMAT delivery of brain SABR using ROC analysis. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 22(6), 35-44. https//doi.org/10.1002/acm2.13276
- Tattenberg, S., Madden, T.M., Gorissen, B.L., Bortfeld, T., Parodi, K. and Verburg, J. (2021). Proton range uncertainty reduction benefits for skull base tumors in terms of normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) and healthy tissue doses. Medical Physics, 48(9), 5356-5366. https//doi.org/10.1002/mp.15097
- Tian, L., Huang, Z., Janssens, G., Landry, G., Dedes, G., Kamp, F., Belka, C., Pinto, M. and Parodi, K. (2021). Accounting for prompt gamma emission and detection for range verification in proton therapy treatment planning. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(5), 055005. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/abc939
- Wieser, H.P., Huang, Y., Schauer, J., Lascaud, J., Würl, M., Lehrack, S., Radonic, D., Vidal, M., Hérault, J., Chmyrov, A., Ntziachristos, V., Assmann, W., Parodi, K. and Dollinger, G. (2021). Experimental demonstration of accurate Bragg peak localization with ionoacoustic tandem phase detection (iTPD). Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(24), 245020. https//doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/ac3ead
Abstracts and conference proceedings
- Tim Binder, Vasiliki Anagnostatou, Jennifer Zhou, Kei Kamada, Katia Parodi, and Peter G. Thirolf, A GAGG-based scatter component for Compton imaging below 1.5 MeV, Verhandl. DPG (VI), 56, ST 12.1 (2021)
- Jennifer Zhou, Tim Binder, Kei Kamada, Katia Parodi und Peter G. Thirolf, Untersuchungen der ortsaufgelösten Energieauflösung der Einzelkomponenten eines Compton-Kamera-Prototypen, Verhandl. DPG (VI), 56, ST 12.2 (2021)
- Tim Binder, Vasiliki Anagnostatou, Kei Kamada, Han Gyu Kang, Munetaka Nitta, Mohammad Safari, Katia Parodi, Taiga Yamaya, Peter G. Thirolf, Towards a γ-PET prototype – commissioning and first images in compton and PET mode, DGMP Dreiländertagung 2021 (online), V31
- Munetaka Nitta, Giulio Lovatti, Han Gyu Kang, Roghieh Haghani, Tim Binder, Mohammad Safari, George Dedes, Peter G. Thirolf, Taiga Yamaya, Katia Parodi, Finalisation and performance evaluation of a novel PET detector for an in-beam small animal PET scanner, DGMP Dreiländertagung 2021 (online), V23
- E Lombardo, C Kurz, S Marschner, M Avanzo, V Gagliardi, G Fanetti, G Franchin, J Stancanello, S Corradini, M Niyazi, C Belka, K Parodi, M Riboldi, G Landry. OC-0526 Deep learning based time-to-event prediction for a large multicentric cohort of H&N cancer patients. Radiotherapy and Oncology 161, S412-S413
- M Rabe, C Paganelli, H Schmitz, G Meschini, M Riboldi, J Hofmaier, J Dinkel, M Reiner, K Parodi, C Belka, G Landry, C Kurz, F Kamp. Time-Resolved Estimated Synthetic CTs Based on Orthogonal Cine MRI for Low-Field MR-Linac Treatments. Medical Physics 48 (6)
- K Traeuble, P Palaniappan, C Gianoli, C Paganelli, G Baroni, F Kamp, C Belka, C Kurz, G Landry, M Riboldi. Optimization of the imaging Plane for Real-Time Tumor Tracking in MR-Guided Radiotherapy of Moving Targets. Medical Physics 48 (6)
- E Lombardo, L Minibek, A Holzgreve, L Kaiser, N Albert, P Bartenstein, C Kurz, M Riboldi, M Niyazi, C Belka, S Corradini, F Walter, G Landry, S Marschner. Risk Stratification with the Aid of 18F-FDG-PET/CT and neural Networks in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 197 (SUPPL 1),S62
Peer-reviewed journals:
Abstracts and conference proceedings:
Nuclear Physics
Peer-reviewed journals:
- Alencar, I., Hatori, M., Marmitt, G., Trombini, H., Grande, P., Dias, J., Papaléo, R., Mücklich, A., Assmann, W., Toulemonde, M. and Trautmann, C. (2021). Nanoparticle emission by electronic sputtering of CaF2 single crystals. Applied Surface Science, 537, 147821. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.147821
- Peik, E., Schumm, T., Safronova, M.S., Pálffy, A., Weitenberg, J. and Thirolf, P.G. (2021). Nuclear clocks for testing fundamental physics. Quantum Science and Technology, 6(3), 034002. https//doi.org/10.1088/2058-9565/abe9c2
- Thirolf, P.G., Seiferle, B. and Wense, L.V.D. (2021). The Thorium-Isomer: Heartbeat for a Nuclear Clock. Nuclear Physics News, 31(1), 13-18. https//doi.org/10.1080/10619127.2020.1832809
Abstracts and conference proceedings:
- Oliver Kaleja, Brankica Andelic, Luisa Arcila Gonzalez, Joacquín Berrocal, Lennart Blaauw, Klaus Blaum, Michael Block, Pierre Chauveau, Stanislav Chenmarev, Premaditya Chhetri, Christoph E. Düllmann, Martin Eibach, Julia Even, Pavel Filianin, Francesca Giacoppo, Manuel J. Gutiérrez Torres, Fritz P. Hessberger, Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki, Jacques J. W. van de Laar, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Steffen Lohse, Enrique Minaya Ramirez, Andrew Mistry, Elodie Morin, Yury Nechiporenko, Dennis Neidherr, Steven Nothhelfer, Yuri Novikov, Sebastian Raeder, Elisabeth Rickert, Daniel Rodríguez, Lutz Schweikhard, Peter G. Thirolf, Jessica Warbinek, and Alexander Yakushev, High-Precision Mass Spectrometry of Superheavy Elements, Verhandl. DPG (VI), 56, MS 2.3 (2021)
- Francesca Giacoppo, Brankica Anďelić, Luisa Arcila Gonzalez, Joaquín Berrocal Sánchez, Lennart Blaauw, Klaus Blaum, Michael Block, Pierre Chauveau, Stanislav Chenmarev, Premaditya Chhetri, Christoph E. Düllmann, Martin Eibach, Julia Even, Pavel Filianin, Manuel Jesús Gutiérrez Torres, Fritz P. Heßberger, Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki, Oliver Kaleja, Jacques W. van de Laar, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Steffen Lohse, Enrique Minaya Ramirez, Andrew Mistry, Elodie Morin, Yury Nechiporenko, Dennis Neidherr, Steven Nothhelfer, Yuri Novikov, Sebastian Raeder, Elisabeth Rickert, Daniel Rodríguez, Lutz Schweikhard, Peter Thirolf, Jessica Warbinek, and Alexander Yakushev, Investigation of ground and metastable nuclear states in the heaviest nuclei at SHIPTRAP, Verhandl. DPG (VI), 56, MS 2.4 (2021)
- Peter G Thirolf, B. Seiferle, L. v.d. Wense, I. Amersdorffer, K. Scharl, D. Moritz, S. Ding, F. Zacherl, J. Thielking, P. Glowacki, D.M. Meier, M. Okhapkin, E. Peik, C. Mokry, J. Runke, K. Eberhardt, N.G. Trautmann, C.E. Düllmann, Demystifying the 229-Thorium Isomer: Towards the Nuclear Clock, 52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Bulletin of the American Physical Society Vol. 66, Number 6 (2021), Abstract: Q02.00004
Detector Development and High Energy Physics
- Aune, S., Bortfeldt, J., Brunbauer, F., David, C., Desforge, D., Fanourakis, G., Gallinaro, M., García, F., Giomataris, I., Gustavsson, T., Iguaz, F., Kebbiri, M., Kordas, K., Lampoudis, C., Legou, P., Lisowska, M., Liu, J., Lupberger, M., Maillard, O., Maniatis, I., Manthos, I., Müller, H., Oliveri, E., Papaevangelou, T., Paraschou, K., Pomorski, M., Qi, B., Resnati, F., Ropelewski, L., Sampsonidis, D., Scharenberg, L., Schneider, T., Sohl, L., Van Stenis, M., Tsiamis, A., Tsipolitis, Y., Tzamarias, S., Utrobicic, A., Veenhof, R., Wang, X., White, S., Zhang, Z. and Zhou, Y. (2021). Timing performance of a multi-pad PICOSEC-Micromegas detector prototype. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 993, 165076. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2021.165076
- Bortfeldt, J., Brunbauer, F., David, C., Desforge, D., Fanourakis, G., Gallinaro, M., García, F., Giomataris, I., Gustavsson, T., Iguaz, F., Kebbiri, M., Kordas, K., Lampoudis, C., Legou, P., Lisowska, M., Liu, J., Lupberger, M., Maillard, O., Manthos, I., Müller, H., Niaouris, V., Oliveri, E., Papaevangelou, T., Paraschou, K., Pomorski, M., Qi, B., Resnati, F., Ropelewski, L., Sampsonidis, D., Scharenberg, L., Schneider, T., Sohl, L., Van Stenis, M., Tsipolitis, Y., Tzamarias, S., Utrobicic, A., Veenhof, R., Wang, X., White, S., Zhang, Z. and Zhou, Y. (2021). Modeling the timing characteristics of the PICOSEC Micromegas detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 993, 165049. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2021.165049
Books and Book Chapters
Thesis Works
F.H. Lindner: Laser-driven heavy ion acceleration
T.M. Fitzpatrick: A Compton camera prototype with γ-PET imaging capability: From Component Evaluations to Online Tests
Master Thesis (internal):
G. Liubchenko: A Feasibility Study of High-Z Metal (Oxide) Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents for Proton Imaging at a Small Animal Irradiation Platform
D. Radonic: Measuring the Ionoacoustic Time of Flight in Clinical Relevant Geometries using Lock-In Detection
X. Yuqing: Analysis of Intra-fractional Prostate Motion and Its Dosimetric Impact During MR-Guided Online Adaptive Radiotherapy
M. Stanislawski: PET Activation Studies and 3D Gel Dosimetry for Proton Range Verification
S. Götz: Evaluation of Image Quality and Dose Efficiency in Proton and Helium Computed Tomography with Monte Carlo Simulation
L. Zott: A Computational Framework to Validate a Prototype Planning System for a Small Animal Proton Irradiatior
M. Weiser: Development of a Spectroscopic Real Time Temperature Diagnostic for Laser Heated Thin Gold Foils
Bachelor Thesis (internal):
D. Lovric: Optimisation of Construction Processes for Large, Ultra Thin Micromegas Detectors
O. Schackmann: Development of a Time Projection Chamber and its Micromegas Readout Structure for the SIRMIO Project
J. Kainhuber: Accuracy and Precision of Time-of-Flight Measurements Using a Lock-In Amplifier
A. Lange: Characterisation of an Aluminium Floating Strip Micromegas Detector
M. Estrella: Reconstruction Techniques for Accelerated MR Imaging in MR-Guided Radiotherapy
N. Homburg: Experimental Determination of the Greuneisen Parameter of Muman Tissue Surrogates via Photoacoustic Measurements
M. Meurer: Assembly and Characterisation of Thin Aluminium Floating Strip Micromegas
F. Kähler: Assembly and Initial Setup of a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) as a Range Detector of the SIRMIO Project
E. Kong Liang: Optimization of the Backing material of Low Frequency PVDF Sensors for Ionoacoustic-Based Range Verification During Small Animal Proton Radiation
P. Oberländer: Evaluation of the Intrinsic Spatial Resolution of a Scintillator and Silicon Photomultiplier Gamma Ray Detector Unit for Positron Emission Tomography
D. Selzner: Development Towards a Variable Calibration Water Phantom for a Small-Animal Proton Imaging Setup
S. Schwaiger: Calibration and Commissioning of a Small-Animal Proton Imaging Setup Based On Timepix3 Detectors
L. Löbell: Direkte Teilchendetektion mit Silizium-Photomultipliern für Experimente mit 229Th
Master Thesis (external)
G. Vradhzeva: Dosimetric Measurements at the SARRP for Validation of New TPS (Abteilung für Radioonkologie LMU Klinikum)
B. Kotulski: Validation of deep learning-based glioma segmentation usen (18F)FET PET Data and comparison with established PET segmentation methods (LMU, Klinik für Nuklearmedizin)
Bachelor Thesis (external):
Zulassungsarbeit (State exam thesis):